Sunday, September 27, 2015

Acute low back pain & its management
Low back pain refers to pain that you feel in your lower back. You may also have back stiffness, decreased movement of the lower back, and difficulty standing straight.

Acute low back pain can last for a few days to a few weeks.


Most people have at least one backache in their life. Although this pain or discomfort can happen anywhere in your back, the most common area affected is your lower back. This is because the lower back supports most of your body's weight.
Low back pain is the number two reason that Americans see their health care provider -- second only to colds and flu.
You'll usually first feel back pain just after you lift a heavy object, move suddenly, sit in one position for a long time, or have an injury or accident.
Acute low back pain is most often caused by a sudden injury to the muscles and ligaments supporting the back. The pain may be caused by muscle spasms or a strain or tear in the muscles and ligaments.
Causes of sudden low back pain include:
  • Compression fractures to the spine from osteoporosis
  • Cancer involving the spine
  • Fracture of the spinal cord
  • Muscle spasm (very tense muscles)
  • Ruptured or herniated disk
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal)
  • Spine curvatures (like scoliosis or kyphosis), which may be inherited and seen in children or teens
  • Strain or tears to the muscles or ligaments supporting the back
Low back pain may also be due to:
  • An abnormal aortic aneurysm that is leaking
  • Arthritis conditions, such as osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Infection of the spine (osteomyelitis, diskitis, abscess)
  • Kidney infection or kidney stones
  • Problems related to pregnancy
  • Medical conditions that affect the female reproductive organs, including endometriosisovarian cystsovarian cancer, or uterine fibroids


You may feel a variety of symptoms if you have hurt your back. You may have a tingling or burning sensation, a dull achy feeling, or sharp pain. The pain may be mild, or it can be so severe that you are unable to move.
Depending on the cause of your back pain, you may also have pain in your leg, hip, or the bottom of your foot. You may also have weakness in your legs and feet.


To get better quickly, take the right measures when you first feel pain.
Here are some tips for how to handle pain:
  • Stop normal physical activity for the first few days. This will help relieve your symptoms and reduce any swelling in the area of the pain.
  • Apply heat or ice to the painful area. One good method is to use ice for the first 48 to 72 hours, and then use heat.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
While sleeping, try lying in a curled-up, fetal position with a pillow between your legs. If you usually sleep on your back, place a pillow or rolled towel under your knees to relieve pressure.
A common misbelief about back pain is that you need to rest and avoid activity for a long time. In fact, bed rest is not recommended. If you have no sign of a serious cause for your back pain (such as loss of bowel or bladder control, weakness, weight loss, or fever), then you should stay as active as possible.
You may want to reduce your activity only for the first couple of days. Then, slowly start your usual activities after that. Do not perform activities that involve heavy lifting or twisting of your back for the first 6 weeks after the pain begins. After 2 to 3 weeks, you should gradually start exercising again.
  • Begin with light aerobic training. Walking, riding a stationary bicycle, and swimming are great examples. These aerobic activities can improve blood flow to your back and promote healing. They also strengthen muscles in your stomach and back.
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises are important. However, starting these exercises too soon after an injury can make your pain worse. A physical therapist can help you know when to begin stretching and strengthening exercises and how to do them.
  • You may benefit from physical therapy. Your provider will determine whether you need to see a physical therapist and can refer you to one in your area. The physical therapist will first use methods to reduce your pain. Then, the therapist will teach you ways to prevent getting back pain again.
If your pain lasts longer than one month, your primary health care provider may send you to see either an orthopedist (bone specialist) or neurologist (nerve specialist).
If your pain has not improved after use of medicines, physical therapy, and other treatments, your doctor may recommend an epidural injection.
You may also see:
  • A massage therapist
  • Someone who performs acupuncture
  • Someone who does spinal manipulation (a chiropractor, osteopathic doctor, or physical therapist)
Sometimes a few visits to these specialists will help back pain.

There are many things you can do to lower your chances of getting back pain. Exercise is important for preventing back pain. Through exercise you can:
  • Improve your posture
  • Strengthen your back and improve flexibility
  • Lose weight
  • Avoid falls
It is also very important to learn to lift and bend properly. Follow these tips:
  • If an object is too heavy or awkward, get help.
  • Spread your feet apart to give you a wide base of support.
  • Stand as close to the object you are lifting as possible.
  • Bend at your knees, not at your waist.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles as you lift the object or lower it down.
  • Hold the object as close to your body as you can.
  • Lift using your leg muscles.
  • As you stand up with the object, do not bend forward.
  • Do not twist while you are bending for the object, lifting it up, or carrying it.
Other measures to prevent back pain include:
  • Avoid standing for long periods. If you must stand for your work, alternate resting each foot on a stool.
  • Do not wear high heels. Use cushioned soles when walking.
  • When sitting for work, especially if using a computer, make sure that your chair has a straight back with an adjustable seat and back, armrests, and a swivel seat.
  • Use a stool under your feet while sitting so that your knees are higher than your hips.
  • Place a small pillow or rolled towel behind your lower back while sitting or driving for long periods.
  • If you drive long distance, stop and walk around every hour. Bring your seat as far forward as possible to avoid bending. Do not lift heavy objects just after a ride.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Lose weight.
  • Do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles on a regular basis. This will strengthen your core to decrease the risk of further injuries.
Learn to relax. Try methods such as yoga, tai chi, or massage.


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